Here are the answers to the first of two sets of Cisco CCNA and CCNP certification exam practice questions from Thursday!


Identify the Frame Relay LMI types.

A. ANSI (the default)

B. Cisco (the default)

C. q933a

D. ietf

E. ansi

F. Cisco

G. q9331 (the default)

H. ietf (the default)

Answers: B, C, E. The LMI types are Cisco, ansi, and q933a, with Cisco serving as the default.


What is the first value considered in the BGP path selection process by a non-Cisco router?

A. weight



D. origin

E. aggregate

F. atomic aggregate

Answer: B. On a Cisco router, weight is the first consideration. However, weight is a Cisco-proprietary BGP attribute. A non-Cisco router will consider LOCAL_PREF first.


Short answer: By default, what number is assigned to the native VLAN?

Answer: 1.


Which of the following commands tells you if a router has placed an ISDN call due to the loss of a watched route?

A. show isdn status

B. show dialer

C. show dialer-watch

D. show ip route

Answer: A. show isdn status will show the dial reason as "dialed on watched route loss".

CCNP / CIT:What command gives a router the ability to inform a host of a more efficient route for sending packets to a given destination?

A. icmp redirects

B. ip redirects

C. redirect all

D. no ip split-horizon

Answer: B.

See you later tonight with the answers to Thursday night's questions, and a set of brand new Cisco CCNA and CCNP certification practice questions!

To your Cisco certification success,

Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933


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