Time's Running Out To Save On My BCMSN Study Package!

The new 642-812 exam is packed with new features such as Dynamic ARP Inspection, DHCP Snooping, and creating Switched Virtual Interfaces - and they're all covered here along with basic and advanced STP, Etherchannels, VLANs, VTP, Switch Security, multilayer switching, CoS, and much more!

You get all this plus three days of intense practice on REAL Cisco routers and switches - and I'm busy putting in Layer 3 switches to my pods as we speak! BCMSN exam candidates get first preference on these switches, where you'll create your own SVIs - an invaluable skill for the new exam!

On top of all of this great information and training, you can also save $20 when you purchase within the next 77 hours. That's right - the BCMSN Study Package is only $77, but this introductory offer ends very soon and without warning. Act now and be totally prepared for BCMSN exam success - only from The Bryant Advantage!


To your CCNP exam success,

Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933


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