Here are the answers to Friday's Cisco CCNA, CCNP, and Network+ exam practice questions!


What IP address does the following binary string represent?

00110101 11001111 00110101 10101010

Answer: You got off easy, I made one octet the same as the other! :)


What's the main purpose of IGMP?

Answer: IGMP is the Internet Group Management Protocol, and its basic purpose is to manage multicasting. Multicasting is the middle ground between unicasting and broadcasting:

Unicasting: Only one host gets the packet

Broadcasting: All hosts get the packet

Multicasting: Some hosts get the packet - the members of a multicast group


RouterA is the DR for a broadcast segment, with RouterB as the BDR. RouterA is rebooted. While RouterA is rebooting, RouterB becomes the DR and RouterC becomes the BDR. What describes RouterA's role five minutes after it comes back online?

Answer: DROther. And as long as RouterB and RouterC stay online, RouterA will remain a DROther. When a DR goes down and another router is named DR in its absence, the original DR does not become DR again just because it comes back online.


What NAT term matches this description: "Used by hosts on the local network to communicate with other hosts on that same network."

Answer: That's an inside local address.


What global configuration mode command enables AAA?

Answer: aaa new-model


The following is the partial output of what Cisco 2950 switch command?

SW1 uptime is 11 hours, 42 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System image file is "flash:/c2950-i6q4l2-mz.121-19.EA1c.bin"

Answer: That's part of the output of show version, a great command to find out if a router or switch has been rebooted lately!

See you in just a few minutes with the first of two sets of CCNA, CCNP, and Network+ exam practice questions for Saturday!

To your certification exam success,

Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933


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