Two Interesting Broadband Notes....

Comcast Corporation is going to offer a new feature called Powerboost, which will allow users to download large files more quickly. The feature will detect a user's attempt to download large files such as music or high-graphics websites and dynamically assign unused bandwidth, and then the user's connection will revert to its normal assigned speed when the download is complete. An article in the June 1 Wall Street Journal also notes that Verizon Communications is spending $20 billion in a current upgrade to fiber-optic.

In an unrelated note, Kevin Howard, who served as the financial chief of Enron's broadband unit, is looking at 25 years in prison after he was convicted of falsifying records, fraud, and conspiracy. Mr. Howard's conviction came in the week following the widely covered trials of Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling. There's no word on what the broadband speeds are in Texas prisons.

Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933


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