Here are the answers to yesterday's Cisco CCNA and CCNP practice questions.


Convert the hex value D3 into decimal format.

Answer: 211. "D" is 13 in decimal, so we have 13 units of 16 and 3 units of 1. (13 * 16) is 208, and 208 + 3 = 211.


ODR will only run successfully on one particular topology. Which one?

A. Broadcast

B. Point-to-point

C. Point-to-multipoint

D. Hub-and-spoke

Answer: D. On-Demand Routing will only run successfully on hub-and-spoke networks.


At what layer of the Cisco 3-layer networking model should root bridges be found?

A. Access

B. Core

C. Destination

D. Data Link

E. Network

Answer: B. Cisco recommends that root bridges be found at the core of the switching network.


Which of the following is true regarding the ISDN U reference point?

A. It's a 2-wire circuit.

B. It's a 4-wire circuit.

C. It's an international standard.

D. It's found only in North American ISDN networks.

Answer: A, D. The U-point is a 2-wire circuit that is found only in North America.

New questions will be posted later today!

Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933


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