‎"Discipline is the bridge between goals and achievement."

-- Jim Rohn

Hi Bulldogs!

Here's a new CCNP ROUTE and TSHOOT Video Boot Camp for you!

This video covers an often-overlooked factor in OSPF route redistribution, and here's a hint - it's NOT the "subnets" option.

I'll also post CCNA and CCNP videos from the 200+ videos on my YouTube Computer Certification channel here throughout the day.

My recent video on the changes coming to the CCNA Security certification is also in this post - and here's a link to the free preview course:

Have a look around my other courses while you're out there - over 2,100 Bulldogs just like you are already there!

Let's get started!

Today's new CCNA Video:

Watch a full and free hour of my CCNA 2012 Video Boot Camp just by clicking the widget!

All lessons in this course are now fully downloadable - join us today!

As we all know, theory doesn't always apply 100% in the real world. With that in mind, here's a CCNA Video Boot Camp on Cisco router passwords, encryption, and reality!

Here's the CCNA Security Video Boot Camp preview - this video includes changes to this vital certification, so be sure to watch the entire thing!

Here's today's CCNP ROUTE and TSHOOT Video Boot Camp!

You receive all three of my CCNP DVDs - including every single lesson shown below -- and my Hard Copy Study Guides for just $297!

My $199 Download Deal on the DVDs is still available - download all three courses for just $199, and you receive immediate online access!

Click the widgets to watch up to three hours of video for free -- 

the first hour of every course is free to watch and download!

Back later today with another new video!

Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933
"The Computer Certification Bulldog"


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