Happy Friday!
(Is there another kind?)
BTW - if you're working on your CCENT, or even thinking about it, be here Monday.
'Nuff said!
Hi Bulldogs!
A little something for everyone today - and if you're working on your CCENT, be here Monday!
Let's get to the videos! (Be sure to scroll down in the blog for three new videos posted Thursday!
For success on the CCENT and CCNA exams, not to mention troubleshooting, you've got to know your ROM from your RAM. Here's a video to help you out!
(The CCNA Success ebook mentioned will be back on Amazon in May - and it'll be free!)
This one's almost 10 minutes long, and worth every minute of your time.
Don't take RIP lightly on your CCENT and CCNA exams. This quick video is a great way to make sure you have the basics down cold!
And while you're at it - get over 22 hours of my world-class CCNA Video Boot Camp instruction in just minutes!
No time limits.
Watch anytime you like.
Download the videos at your leisure.
The time is now.
Cisco follows me on Twitter (and retweets my practice exams!)
So should you!
Now for some videos for you future CCNPs!
This one's for you ROUTE and TSHOOT Bulldogs - it's a little longer than usual, and well worth the time investment!
Here's a pop quiz you'll actually enjoy!
And speaking of longer videos - this CCNP SWITCH Video Boot Camp clocks in at 27 minutes, so watch some now and save some for later!
(Seriously, keep this one. It's really good stuff.)
I've posted this week's new CCNP videos below! Enjoy!
My $199 Download Deal on the DVDs is still available - download all three courses for just $199, including the ebooks and MP3s, and you receive immediate online access!
You can get physical copies of all my CCNP DVDs for just $266 - that's for ALL THREE, pardon the caps - and we'll pay the FedEx postage fees!
Click the widgets to watch up to three hours of video for free --
the first hour of every course is free to watch and download!
Back later today with a new video on the CCNP Voice certification changes!
Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933
"The Computer Certification Bulldog"
Website: http://www.thebryantadvantage.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ccie12933
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/gPq52d