Here are the answers to Tuesday's Cisco certification exam training questions!


What is an Etherchannel?

A. A logical bundling of multiple switches into one larger, logical switch.

B. A logical bundling of multiple physical connections between switches.

C. A logical bundling of switches and bridges.

D. A logical bundling of switches and routers.

Answer: B. I guess you could have guessed the "logical bundling" part! An etherchannel is a bundling of multiple physical trunk lines into a single logical line.


Short answer: Traffic destined for would use what local interface to exit the router, given the following routing table?

O [110/20] via ethernet0

R [120/4] via serial0

O [110/10] via serial1

Answer: The traffic would exit interface serial1. The prefix lengths are all the same, so Administrative Distance (AD) is the next value considered. OSPF routes have a lower AD than RIP, so it's between those two paths. The path using serial1 has a lower metric - 10 - than the path using ethernet0. That makes it the more desirable of the two paths.


Which of the following is NOT found in VTP Summary Advertisements?

A. VTP domain name and version

B. configuration revision number

C. MD5 hash code

D. timestamp

E. Configuration Register setting

F. The number of subset ads that will follow

Answer: E. Everything else listed is found in a VTP summary advertisement.

Fresh and free CCNA and CCNP questions will be posted later today! Don't forget, you can get these questions delivered straight to your email inbox daily by signing up for the newsletter over on the main site!

To your success in 2007 and beyond,

Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933


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