It's Monday, February 11, and here are the answers to yesterday's certification exam practice questions!
CCNA Certification:
Convert the hex value "Cd" into both a decimal value and binary string.
Decimal: We have 12 units of 16 and 13 units of 1; that's 205.
Binary: 205 = 11001101
A+ Exam / Network+ Certification Combination Question:
In the MAC address 11-22-33-aa-dd-ff, what portion of that address identifies the vendor? What term is used to describe that particular portion of the address?
Answer: The first half of the MAC address - in this case, 11-22-33 - is the Organizationally Unique Identifier. The OUI identifies the vendor, since each OUI is assigned to one and only one vendor.
What exactly is a "floating static route", anyway? Why do we use them?
A floating static route is a backup method that is relatively simple to configure. The static route will be exactly the same as a dynamically discovered route in the routing table, but will have a higher AD than that of the dynamic route. If the dynamic route leaves the table, the floating static route will be put into the table in its place; when the dynamic route returns, the floating static route will be removed.
What exactly is an "etherchannel", anyway? Why do we use them?
An etherchannel is a logical bundling of physically separate trunk links. Bundling them allows us to use all available paths between two switches, since the etherchannel is seen as a single connection by STP. If we don't bundle them, only one of the paths will be available and STP will put the rest of them into blocking mode.
New questions posted later today!
To your success,
Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933
CCNA Certification:
Convert the hex value "Cd" into both a decimal value and binary string.
Decimal: We have 12 units of 16 and 13 units of 1; that's 205.
Binary: 205 = 11001101
A+ Exam / Network+ Certification Combination Question:
In the MAC address 11-22-33-aa-dd-ff, what portion of that address identifies the vendor? What term is used to describe that particular portion of the address?
Answer: The first half of the MAC address - in this case, 11-22-33 - is the Organizationally Unique Identifier. The OUI identifies the vendor, since each OUI is assigned to one and only one vendor.
What exactly is a "floating static route", anyway? Why do we use them?
A floating static route is a backup method that is relatively simple to configure. The static route will be exactly the same as a dynamically discovered route in the routing table, but will have a higher AD than that of the dynamic route. If the dynamic route leaves the table, the floating static route will be put into the table in its place; when the dynamic route returns, the floating static route will be removed.
What exactly is an "etherchannel", anyway? Why do we use them?
An etherchannel is a logical bundling of physically separate trunk links. Bundling them allows us to use all available paths between two switches, since the etherchannel is seen as a single connection by STP. If we don't bundle them, only one of the paths will be available and STP will put the rest of them into blocking mode.
New questions posted later today!
To your success,
Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933