Start Studying For The New 642-812 BCMSN Exam NOW - And Save Money, Too!

Cisco's changed the BCMSN exam, and the new 642-812 version is tough! It also tests many of the BCMSN topics from 642-811 - so even though my fully updated BCMSN Study Package will be available on April 30, you can start studying today and save $20 at the same time!

Just follow this link to order my 642-811 BCMSN Study Package, and you can start studying in just minutes. On April 30, I'll email you download instructions for the newly updated BCMSN package - and you'll be way ahead in your studies when you get the new download. You'll also save money, because you save $20 by purchasing today!

Get started TODAY on your BCMSN studies - just follow this link!

To your CCNP certification success,

Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933


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