Time for a brand-new CCNP ROUTE practice exam!

Let's get right to today's all-BGP edition!

1.  Put the following BGP adjacency steps in their correct order.







2.   In the following list, identify the following:

Well-known mandatory attributes

Optional transitive attributes

Optional non-transitive attributes



Local Preference




3.  When you see the letter "e" for a BGP path's Origin code, exactly what does that mean?

The answers right after this brief and VERY important message!

Beat The CCNP R&S Jan. 30 Deadline -- Guaranteed!

I guarantee you'll pass all 3 current CCNP exams before the January 30, 2015 deadline with my CCNP All-In-One Video Boot Camp....

.... and if you don't pass all three exams before that date, you'll receive the fully-updated courses for the new exams absolutely FREE!
No strings attached -- but you will get results.

(You also get my CCNA Security course absolutely free!)

Just want to tackle ROUTE for now?   You'll pass that exam with my CCNP ROUTE Video Boot Camp before the January 30, 2015 deadline, or you'll get the fully-updated ROUTE course free!

(You still get the free CCNA Security course, too!)

Let's get to the answers!

1.  The BGP path states are Idle > Connect > Active >  OpenSent >  OpenConfirm  >  Established.

2.  Those BGP attributes.... 

Well-known mandatory attributes: 
AS_PATH, Origin, and Next-Hop

Optional transitive attributes:
Aggregator, Community

Optional non-transitive attributes:
MED (the Multi-Exit Discriminator)

3.  While we're at it, here are all three of the BGP Origin codes and their meaning:

"i" -- path originated from an IGP via the network command

"e" -- path originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol

"?" --  actual origin unknown, since the route was learned via route redistribution

See you on YouTube and Udemy (and on Friday with another new CCNP ROUTE practice test!)

Chris B.


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