Time for a brand-new CCNP SWITCH practice exam, along with a great video!

There are certain multicast addresses you should have down cold before taking the SWITCH exam.  Name the multicast address used by each of the following groups.

All OSPF Designated Routers

Hot Standby Routing Protocol v2

Network Time Protocol

"All hosts"

"All multicast routers"

The answers right after this brief, important message!

Over 14,000 future and present CCNAs and CCNPs are in my Video Boot Camps on Udemy.

It's time for you to join us - and you can start my CCNP SWITCH course in minutes for just $44!

Join us today - click this banner or the link, and let's get started on your CCNP SWITCH pass!

And now... the answers!

All OSPF Designated Routers:

Hot Standby Routing Protocol v2:

Network Time Protocol:

"All hosts":

"All multicast routers":

To top this post off, here's a 10-minute Video Boot Camp on ... well, watch and see!   And thanks for making TBA part of your success!

Chris B.


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