CCNA Certification And CCENT Certification:
You want a Cisco 2950 switch's port 0/12 to go into err-disabled mode if a host with a MAC address other than 11-22-33-44-55-66 connects to that port. Assuming the port is already in the correct VLAN, what is the full configuration to make this happen?
Answer: You need to enable port security, then define this address as the secure address. If this port is already in its VLAN, we're assuming the port has been configured as an access port, which is one of the port security prerequisites.
You don't need to set the number of secure MAC addresses, since that is one by default.
The port security mode we want is shutdown, and that's also the default, so we don't need to hardcode that, either. The configuration:
SW2(config)#int fast 0/12
SW2(config-if)#switchport port-security
SW2(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address 1122.3344.5566
CCNA Security Certification / CCNP ISCW Exam:
Name five of the Task buttons available in the Configure section of SDM.
CCNP Certification / BSCI Exam:
Give the OSPF costs for the following port speeds. (Answers have been posted next to each speed.)
A. 56 kbps (1785)
B. T1 (64)
C. FDDI (1)
D. 100 MBPS Ethernet (1)
CCNP Certification / BCMSN Exam:
Which of the following QoS methods use RSVP by default?
A. best-effort
B. IntServ
C. DiffServ
D. all of these
E. none of these
Answer: Integrated Services (IntServ) uses RSVP.
Identify the true statements regarding traffic shaping.
A. Can be configured to shape outgoing flows only
B. Can be used to shape incoming and outgoing flows
C. Generally has more TCP retransmissions than traffic policing
D. Usually has fewer TCP retransmissions than traffic policing
E. Supports traffic marking
F. Does not support traffic marking
Answers: A, D, F.
More questions right here later today, and watch for my CCNA and CCNP Video Quiz series, coming to YouTube - and The Bryant Advantage website - very soon!
To your success,
Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933