Time for a brand-new CCNP ROUTE practice exam to go along with your CCNP ROUTE Video Of The Day!
Let's get right to the questions -- you'll find the answers in this same blog post, followed by the Video Of The Day!
1. You're working with EIGRP in a hub and spoke network, and you notice that routes being advertised by the spokes are showing up as summarized networks on the hub.
You know you can use the "no auto-summary" command to resolve the issue -- but you also know your boss likes you to configure the least number of routers possible.
Which of the following describes where you need to use this command?
A. On the hub only, since that's the router with the summarized routes.
B. On the spokes only.
C. You need this command on both the hub and the spokes.
D. You don't have to configure the command anywhere - it's the default setting for EIGRP. It's likely this is a summarization issue rather than a configuration issue.
2. You're configuring an OSPF NBMA network. Which of the following defaults should you change?
A. The OSPF interface priority on the hub router.
B. The OSPF interface priority on the spoke router.
C. The OSPF cost on the hub router interfaces.
D. The OSPF cost on the spoke router interfaces.
3. In the following OSPF config, what will the RID of this particular router be?
interface loopback 100
ip address
interface loopback101
ip address
interface loopback102
ip address
int serial 0
ip address
ip ospf priority 0
router ospf 1
network area 100
network area 101
network area 0
The answers right after this brief, important message!
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And now... the answers!
1. (B). While you'll usually put the no auto-summary command on all your routers in a RIPv2 or EIGRP network, in this case the only place you have to put the command is on the routers performing the autosummarization -- in this case, the spokes.
2. (B). We want to prevent the spoke routers from participating in the DR / BDR election in an NBMA network, so we'll go to the spoke routers and change the default OSPF interface priority from one to zero with the interface-level ip ospf priority 0 command.
3. The RID will be If you have loopback interfaces on your router, the highest IP address assigned to a loopback will be the OSPF RID -- even if that particular interface is NOT enabled with OSPF.
I don't all-cap a word often, but it's really easy to miss that one. Remember -- an interface does not have to be OSPF-enabled in order to have its IP address used as the OSPF RID.
Thanks for taking today's practice exam! See you here on the blog tomorrow with more questions, and on YouTube and Udemy for hours of free videos!
And speaking of videos, here's your CCNP ROUTE Video Of The Day! Thanks for watching!