Here Are Your CCNA And CCNP Exam Links For Tuesday, March 22!
Before we get started with today's links, I want to thank you for supporting our drive to raise funds for the Central Virginia Food Bank!
The 1st quarter drive ends March 31, and right now it looks like we'll be able to donate enough funds for CVFB to bring 15,000 meals to those who need it the most.
That's right -- 15,000 meals.
I'll have another post on this up later today -- for now, I wanted to say thanks!
Let's get to today's CCNA and CCNP exam and video links -- I'll update this post throughout the day with new links, so check back often. I'll have a new CCNP TShoot tutorial for you later, too!
Let's get started!
CCNA Video And Text Practice Exam #1
CCNP TShoot Exam Tutorials and Videos
CCNA 3-Minute Video Boot Camp: Static Routing
Here's a bonus video from my CCNA And CCNP Video Training Channel on YouTube -- you CCNA and CCNP TShoot candidates alike should watch this one!
Over 10,000 CCNAs and CCNA candidates just like you have purchased my exclusive CCNA Study Package to further their careers.
Now it's your turn. Click this banner and let's get started on your CCNA.
Chris Bryant, "The Computer Certification Bulldog"