I'm Blinding You... With SCIENCE!!!!! Hiya Bulldogs! Let's get this thing in gear and get Cisco certified, shall we? I've been telling Bulldogs around the world for years that the real last-second key to success isn't cramming - it's ... Well, click this link to Science Daily and take a few minutes to find out! Science Daily Backs Up The Boss Bulldog And then get your butt over to these Tutorials page for over 450 CCNA and CCNP tutorials! Success is just waiting for you to show up! CCNA And CCNP 3-Minute Video Boot Camps CCNA And CCENT Practice Exams CCNA Security Practice Exams CCNP ROUTE Videos And Tutorials CCNP SWITCH Videos And Tutorials CCNP TSHOOT Videos And Tutorials Let's get to work! Chris Bryant CCIE #12933 "The Computer Certification Bulldog" chris@thebryantadvantage.com Website: http://www.thebryantadvantage.com/ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ccie12933 Facebook: http://on.f...