The Bulldogs Keep Rolling On With CCNP Success!

Hiya Bulldogs!

First things first - congratulations to Mike Aranda of El Paso, TX, who just used my CCNP SWITCH On-Demand Bulldog Boot Camp to nail that exam!

Here's what Mike had to say...

"What most helped with the exam from your videos would be your spanning tree explanations, understanding how to read into the show commands for all aspects of spanning tree and everything related to switch security, such as port security, dhcp snooping, vlan hopping mitigation, ip source guard etc..

Understanding the differences and when to implement each. Also stuff related to PPDIOO, not direcly, but knowing when something relates to a technical issue or a managerial/corporate issue."

Whether you prefer a DVD, strictly On-Demand format, or a combination of the two, I'm ready to help you pass this exam!  (Those DVDs ship this weekend and you can start watching the online videos just minutes after you order!)

Speaking of CCNP exams, here are five new CCNP ROUTE tutorials for you!

CCNP ROUTE Tutorial:  The OSPF ASBR  (Good Stuff For CCNA candidates, too!)

More to come!

Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933
"The Computer Certification Bulldog"

The CCNP SWITCH Bulldog Boot Camp DVD Ships This Weekend --

And You Can Watch The Videos Online Five Minutes After You Order!


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