You want free CCNA tutorials, videos, and practice exams?
Here are over 400 of 'em.
Start clicking. :)
And be sure to scroll down to the next blog post - there's a *vital* video you need to watch if you're even thinking of taking a computer certification test in the next 90 days - Cisco or otherwise!
Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933
"The Computer Certification Bulldog"
http:// ??? (Our new website - coming in June 2010!)
Static routing and floating static routes are all over both the CCNA and CCNP exam - and here's a free Video Tutorial and Video Practice Exam on static routing:
CCNA / CCNP Videos: Static Routing
To help you master those tricky little "floating" static routes, here's a three-part Video Tutorial:
CCNA / CCNP Videos: Floating Static Routes
Can't get enough CCENT and CCNA practice exams? Here's a link to one of the site's most popular pages, and no wonder -- you'll find over 50 CCNA and CCENT practice exams there!
CCNA And CCENT Practice Exams
We also have over 100 fully-illustrated CCNA and CCENT tutorials ready for you! We've divided these into Layer 2 and Layer 3 topics - enjoy!
CCNA And CCENT Tutorials: Layer 2
CCNA And CCENT Tutorials: Layer 3
Many CCNA (and CCNP!) candidates trip up on the details of Etherchannels - so to help you master this topic and get certified, here's my famous Etherchannel Video Boot Camp!
CCNA Video: Etherchannel Video Boot Camp
For even more videos, including our new line of CCNA 3-Minute Tutorials, visit our YouTube Cisco Certification Channel - over 1800 NA and NP candidates just like you have already subscribed, and we're nearing the 400,000-view mark!
CCNA And CCNP Training Videos On YouTube
Recently, we posted a new batch of CCNA Security tutorials to go along with our exclusive $20 CCNA Security certification offer - visit this page and make sure you didn't miss one!
CCNA Security Tutorials
Here are over 400 of 'em.
Start clicking. :)
And be sure to scroll down to the next blog post - there's a *vital* video you need to watch if you're even thinking of taking a computer certification test in the next 90 days - Cisco or otherwise!
Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933
"The Computer Certification Bulldog"
http:// ??? (Our new website - coming in June 2010!)
Static routing and floating static routes are all over both the CCNA and CCNP exam - and here's a free Video Tutorial and Video Practice Exam on static routing:
CCNA / CCNP Videos: Static Routing
To help you master those tricky little "floating" static routes, here's a three-part Video Tutorial:
CCNA / CCNP Videos: Floating Static Routes
Can't get enough CCENT and CCNA practice exams? Here's a link to one of the site's most popular pages, and no wonder -- you'll find over 50 CCNA and CCENT practice exams there!
CCNA And CCENT Practice Exams
We also have over 100 fully-illustrated CCNA and CCENT tutorials ready for you! We've divided these into Layer 2 and Layer 3 topics - enjoy!
CCNA And CCENT Tutorials: Layer 2
CCNA And CCENT Tutorials: Layer 3
Many CCNA (and CCNP!) candidates trip up on the details of Etherchannels - so to help you master this topic and get certified, here's my famous Etherchannel Video Boot Camp!
CCNA Video: Etherchannel Video Boot Camp
For even more videos, including our new line of CCNA 3-Minute Tutorials, visit our YouTube Cisco Certification Channel - over 1800 NA and NP candidates just like you have already subscribed, and we're nearing the 400,000-view mark!
CCNA And CCNP Training Videos On YouTube
Recently, we posted a new batch of CCNA Security tutorials to go along with our exclusive $20 CCNA Security certification offer - visit this page and make sure you didn't miss one!
CCNA Security Tutorials