Thanks To Everyone For The Great Feedback On My Latest CCNA Video Practice Exam!

I'll have CCNP Video Practice Exams in the same format posted later this week - at least one for every CCNP exam!

Everyone really enjoyed the new format of my CCNA Video Practice Exam, where I mixed the topics up a bit to mirror the exam experience - so I'll have more of these for you very soon!

In this exclusive Bryant Advantage CCNA Video Practice Exam, I've mixed up the topics a bit, just like the real CCENT and CCNA exams! You'll be presented with 10 questions in a row, then I'll go back over each question and explain the answers.

Also, be sure to check the next blog post to find out how to register for free - that's right, FREE - online CCNA training from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933! The next Webinar is later today on Wednesday, April 6 - so register right now and I'll talk to you later today at the Webinar!

Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933
"The Computer Certification Bulldog"


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