Only 36 35 Days Until My CCNA Security Study Package Is Released....

But Why Wait? Start Studying Today And Save Money, Too!

I've been around Cisco certifications for over 10 years, and I've never seen anything like the positive response to the new CCNA certifications, especially CCNA Security.

As you know, you've got to earn your CCNA before you can take these new exams, and plenty of you are doing that right now - more of you than ever before!

My inbox has been flooded with emails wanting to know how long it'll be before my CCNA Security Study Package is ready.

Well, I've got great news - you can click on that link and start working on your CCNA Security certification less than five minutes from now, using the same techniques I've used to help certification candidate around the world earn their CCNA, CCNP, and CCENT!

Not only that, but you now have the opportunity to save serious money at the same time - by locking in the lowest price I've ever put on one of my Study Packages!

Let's sum it up... you can start working on your CCNA Security certification right away, and you save 30% on the regular price of my Study Packages.

Take advantage of this opportunity and start working on your CCNA Security certification now - just click this link!

The Ultimate CCNA Security Study Package

To your success,

Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933


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